Broome News
Apologies to my readers
Unfortunately I do not have the time to maintain, everyday news for Broome and the Kimberley. From time to time I will post something of particular importance, thanks for understanding! PS I run this blog for LOVE!
I do however
run a Facebook Page which has lots of interesting news.
Kimberley Traditional Owners reject fracking as part of oil production deal – 20th April, 2015
Native title agreement struck with Yawuru people allows Buru Energy to start commercial production at an onshore oil field in the Fitzroy Valley .. read more.
Yawuru Playground a disgrace – 13th April, 2015
The Yawuru Playground located in the new Palmer Road Development is an absolute disgrace. read more.
High Tide – 12th September, 2014
Broome experienced a 10.2 metre tide today, check out our photos of Chinatown and Streeters Jetty .. read more.
Bush fire nears broome – 24th August, 2014
A bush fire raging out of control 40 km east of Broome, on the western side of the Great Northern Highway has been exacerbated by strong easterly winds. Read more ..
Comprehensive Car Insurance Scam?
While most of us pay our expensive Comprehensive Car Insurance, expecting that if we either hit some-one or something else, our “comprehensive” car insurance covers both our own self and car and whatever it is we collide into, yes?
Not so! The “You and Yours” clause is an Australian Commonwealth Government initiative set up in 1978 and affects all Insurance Companies. That’s right not just some but ALL!
Opportunists out for some fun!
Should Broome Airport be moved??
What is the opinion of the Broome Community with regards to the re-location of the Broome Airport?
How long have we held to the tradition of planes flying over Sun Pictures and having a laugh at tourists ducking for cover?
With the addition of an onshore helicopter base servicing the mining sector, air traffic noise has risen immensely over the years. Today in 2013, it is hard to make yourself heard while dining alfreso in Chinatown. Read more .. and cast your vote on our Poll or add your opinion in the Leave a Reply at the bottom of the page!
Black Kites swarm Broome
30th September 2013
Broome has seen an unprecedented number of Black Kites gliding the wind currents in recent months.
Read more
Have your say
18th September 2013 – Time is running out for Broome residents to have their say regarding future planning strategy. Download Shire of Broome What Future LPS 6 & LPS to find out more about what this strategy involves, from Environs Kimberley or head over to the Shire Website for further information. Public submissions can be done via email and do not have to be long, just have your say!. Submissions must be entered before 4pm 20th September!
Broome Council Budget Debt
12th July 2013 – According to the Broome Shire, more money has been going out than coming in, resulting in a potential 8 million dollar deficit. Much of the blame has been cast on the significant costs of “hundreds of man hours” preparing documents and reports relating to the James Price Point proposed Gas Hub which has been dropped. Read more ..
Broome CELEBRATES!!!!!
Friday, 12th April – Today people gathered outside the Woodside Office in celebration of Woodside’s Announcement that it is not economically viable for them to build the Gas Hub at James Price Point. Moving speeches were made by Phillip Roe (traditional owner), Martin Pritchard (Director of Environs Kimberley) and many more. Broome Community No Gas Campaign spokeswoman Nik Wevers said the group’s opposition would not cease until they were sure the James Price Point area – including the monsoon vine thickets, the dinosaur footprints and the cultural heritage sites – were all protected. She went on to say, “Our objectives as No Gas Campaigners, were successful. We wanted to delay the works, educate the community through the media and we wanted to stop the project, all of which we have achieved.”
Now we will have time to look after our community and deal with some of the social issues we all face. After seven long years of fighting the State Government and Woodside, people although absolutely joyous were still trying to take it in. We still have many issues to deal with, the fight is not over, we are still under threat from heavy industrialisation of the Kimberley, rich in resources but perhaps this campaign will make mining giants a little more respectful of communities they seek to tear apart and more mindful of our passion to protect our environment and mother earth. The people of Broome know that the resource sector keeps the economy of Australia thriving, but transparency with Mining Companies needs to be made so that sustainable and environmental policies are adhered to.
Messages of congratulations and support have been coming in from all over Australia and even from those overseas. A truly historic moment for the people of Kimberley! CONGRATULATIONS!!!
The final nail in Woodside’s Coffin
28th February 2013 – Yesterday approval finally went through and the Monsoon Vine Thickets were listed as “Endangered” by the Australian Government, under the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act).
The thickets are a rainforest ecosystem and this listing means death to the Gas Hub. Despite corruption being fraught throughout the planning process with endangered bilbies, turtles, dinosaur footprints, the conflict of interest of 4 out of the 5 committee members of the Environment Planning Committee, this final approval has sealed Woodsides fate in their hope to build the worlds largest LNG gas processing hub on the pristine Kimberley Coast.
After years of our communities hard work in bringing to light the environmental and social impacts on Broome and the Kimberley, it seems that Woodside and Colin Barnett are trapped behind a remnant rainforest!
Environs Kimberley Monsoon Vine Thickets on the Dampier Peninsula
Media Release Kimberley ‘rainforest’ listed as endangered by Australian government
Broome Elections
With State Elections coming up on March 9th 2013, Broome and the Kimberley has a look at the candidates. Posed with the question “What do you think are the most challenging things facing the Kimberley at the moment?”
Chris Maher, Greens WA – The conservative governments vision for the Kimberley is about Pilbara style industrialisation and that sort of industrialisation is going to overwhelm some very good positive industry sectors, such as Tourism, small business and even the cattle industry. There is plans to mine coal right throughout the Fitzroy Valley and really the Fitzroy Valley cattle men built the Kimberley. This all under immense threat at the moment!
Josie Farrer, Labour Candidate – coming soon!
Ron Ogilvie, Independent – Rod is obviously very dedicated to his causes, not only to the poor issues such as health and education, but the development of better roads for communities on the desert fringe. Having traveled to One Arm Point and Beagle Bay last week, he assured me that these roads were in need of a lot of work, too. Rod stands for sustainable measured development and does not support the proposed Gas Hub at James Price Point. Rod is very much against the hydraulic fraccing that is going ahead all over the Fitzroy Valley and is also opposed to uranium mining. Resolute in his opinion, that our cattle stations should be owned by Australians and not sold to overseas investors, he is not opposed to overseas investment and cited the Chinese as being influential in helping the Ord River Sugar Industry to flourish.
He believes that the cattle industry helped build the Kimberley and although the industry has suffered from its live export reputation, he is of the opinion that Cattle Stations can still play an important part in our economy along with Tourism. After a recent visit to Kununurra, where shop keepers have described a large group of wayward children as being “anarchists”, Rod hopes to implement programs with the assistance of cattle station owners, to get these children out of town and onto the stations, to learn alternative skills. He feels positive steps needs to be taken and the problems dealt with in a practical manner, “we should not bury our heads in the sand and hope traditional owners will deal with it.”
Michele Pucci, The Nationals – Michele is passionate about providing transitional programs to support Aboriginal children to re-engage in education. She sees poor school attendance with children not engaging with mainstream education and wants to see investment in diversionary activities such as sport and recreation and cultural activities. She also sees housing as an issue for young people. Michele is the Manager of Education Strategies based in Kununurra, visit their website
With regards to the Gas Hub, she believes the gas will be an economic driver, create a strong economy but is immensely concerned about how it is managed. She wants to see the govt and royalty for regions ensure that any negative impact is addressed well.
Jenny Bloom, Liberal – Jenny Bloom is a Broome businesswoman and shire councillor. She lists law and order, the cost of living and housing affordability as the main election issues.
Premier Barnett lies to little Girl
27th January 2013 – Is it ok for politicians to lie straight to our children’s faces?
Despite police information that Mr Barnett was on his way an hour earlier, Mr Barnett decided to arrive at the Civic Centre in Broome for a meeting with Liberal Party VIP invitation only, in the dark.
A hot and sweaty crowd dripped their impatience and kept their outrage to themselves in an agreed upon meeting with key spokespeople from the anti gas campaign.
Campaign members were there to show their ongoing anger and concern about the way the Liberal government is imposing the gas hub project on the town of Broome.
When confronted with a little girl who wanted to know why Mr Barnett was going to let Woodside damage James Price Point, his reply was “I am not”! The little girl jumped up and down and got so excited when he told her that. We all know politicians tell lies to further their interests but how far do we go when we start telling bald face lies straight to little girls faces.
One of the liberal attendees was heard to say to an ultimate local, pearling pioneer family, “get back on your boats and go back where you came from. The audacity and sheer ignorance of people will never cease to amaze me!
In an interview with Nick Wevers, spokeswoman for the NO GAS CAMPAIGN, “A very clever delay by the Premiere to arrive in the dark, so he couldn’t see the banners and signs but I’m sure enough pictures and stories have gone out on Facebook already so people know whats going on. There were little kids answering questions, the crowd was really well behaved and Mr Barnett agreed to meet with the no gas campaign and we will be pursuing that further.
Head over to our facebook page for more photos!
Outrageous Decision!
15th January, 2013 – Woodside’s application for Section 18 approval to damage heritage sites and drill in country to the west of Manari Road has been approved by the Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Peter Collier. At a gathering today outside Woodside’s Offices in Broome, an indigenous spokeswoman, wanted it made clear that these areas were not just heritage sites but “Burial Sites”. How would most people feel if they dug up a cemetery?
Martin Pritchard, Director of Environs Kimberley, had this to say. It’s an outrageous decision because of all the previous decisions that have been made around James Price Point, going back to 1962 when it was first proposed as a National Park. Again in 1989, the WA Museum recommended that the area be protected. The Environmental Protection Authority have said on 2 occasions that it should be protected and yet we have this decision.
It’s not really surprising, given that the proponent is the State Government and they want the world’s largest gas refinery up at James Price Point.
Browse back to Court
20th December 2012 – Its back to the Supreme Court AGAIN with fresh legal action to overturn environmental approvals given for the Browse Project because of conflicts of interest within the West Australian Environmental Protection Agency board. Read more .. Last man Standing.
The Wilderness Society of Western Australia has joined forces with traditional owner, Richard Hunter, to launch an action in the Supreme Court, seeking a judicial review of decisions taken by the EPA and the State Government to allow construction of the Browse gas processing facilities at James Price Point.
If successful, the action could force the Browse joint venture partners to restart environmental approvals for the James Price Point development.
ALSO the WA Supreme Court has been asked to overturn the state government’s second attempt at compulsory acquisition of the site and rule the $1.5bn compensation deal negotiated with the Kimberley Land Council invalid.
The action alleges the government facilitated an abuse of the federal court process in its dealings over James Price Point.
The Supreme Court action, on behalf of traditional law boss, Phillip Roe, claims the KLC had been placed under “improper pressure” by the WA government when it threatened the KLC and the applicant of the native title claim over the area if the group proceeded with a court action to split the claim.
The KLC was acting following a vote of Goolarabooloo and Jabirr Jabirr people that the native title claim be split.
The new action alleges the state government’s actions had been an abuse of the acquisition processes as well as the Federal Court’s claim process.
A summons has been lodged in the WA Supreme court against the State of Western Australia, WA Minister for Land, WA Land Corporation, Broome Port Authority, the Kimberley Land Council and others.
In a statement, Mr Barnett said: “The agreement reached by a vote of traditional owners was in accordance with the Commonwealth Native Title process under the supervision of the Federal Court. The state government is confident it has acted in accordance with this process and that the second Notice of Intention to Take was valid,” Mr Barnett said.
Broome 2012 No Gas Rally
9th December, 2012 – Broome hosted its 3rd Gas Rally in protest of the proposed biggest gas hub in the world. On a scorchingly hot afternoon, with temperatures rising to over 40 degrees, between 800 – 1000 stalwart protectors gathered at Sam Male Oval in Chinatown and began their walk, waving anti gas banners and signs, along the streets of Broome to Town Beach where local musicians entertained and public speakers from environmental groups and traditional owners gave thanks for a great 2012 campaign.
Broome locals unfurl Massive Banner on Cable Beach
18th November 2012 – Today over 200 locals gathered on Cable Beach to unfurl a massive banner, some 35 x 15 metres, last seen displayed in Federation Square, Melbourne to raise awareness of the “Protect the Kimberley” campaign. A helicopter with photo journalists took aerial shots of the huge banner. With a final message from Ms Vincent, Mr Barnett can try all he likes, we will never lie down, the economics are against him and the tide is turning.
Broome Mango Festival 2012
November 21st – 25th … As the clouds build up and the mango trees droop with fruit, the fruit bats gorge themselves and residents get set to show off their best mango recipes and cocktails in a 5 day event, run by the Lions club of Broome. Broome’s annual Mango Festival starts with the Mango Quiz Night at the Broome RSL, so brush up on your mango knowledge for a fun night with great prizes with all proceeds going towards community services. The Great Bartenders of Broome at the Zoo Cafe is not to be missed and Mango Tasting at Matsos, Mango Jams, cakes and chutneys at the Boulevard and The Great Chefs of Broome mango cookup at the Mangrove.
Protect the Kimberley Concert
Friday 5th October – Thousands gathered at Federation Square in Melbourne for the Save the Kimberley concert, organised by three environmental organisations, The Wilderness Society, Environs Kimberley and Save the Kimberley. The event was organised to create awareness of the campaign against the building of a 30 billion dollar LNG gas processing hub at James Price Point, 60 km north of Broome in the Kimberley.
Headliners,Clare Bowditch and the John Butler Trio were the main attractions for the free concert with special guests, Dr. Bob Brown, and Missy Higgins. Thanks to Brent Lukey for his great image.
10th September 2012 – THE END IS NIGH?
Two community members, Evan Dowlings and Frances Myles, have been sitting atop two Woodside drill rigs since 5:30 am this morning, at the site of the proposed gas hub at James Price Point, stopping work. The two have refused move on notices issued by police at 8:00 am this morning.
The drill rigs are set to extract 35 million litres of water from the Broome Aquifer over 7 days, for testing, potentially putting at risk the town’s domestic, agricultural and industrial water supply, despite there being no in-depth study as to the effect this may have. To make matters worse, the drilling is occurring within a listed Aboriginal Heritage Site.
Simultaneously, around 30 members of the Broome community and Goolarabooloo converged on the Woodside office for two hours, calling for a stop to the illegal work. Community members demanded an end to the illegal works, and presented copies of the Weekend Australian’s article which outlined Woodside’s requests for the government to suppress Aboriginal heritage information.
The protests have occurred in response to Saturday’s revelations that Woodside have actively sought to silence information around the heritage values of the site, and government’s repeated failure to enforce the Aboriginal Heritage Act.
Woodside wrote to the West Australian government, last year asking it to withdraw written advice about the possible existence of significant Aboriginal sites in areas disturbed by its proposed $30 billion James Price Point gas hub.
“Woodside and the Barnett government have been shown to be ignoring information about our Country’s Song Cycle,” Goolarabooloo man Phillip Roe said in a statement.
“They are ignoring the Aboriginal Heritage Act and showing no respect for my people and my culture.”

Police have re-opened Manari Road, after two protestors, locked onto a cement filled barrel, were removed from the road, earlier this morning. Yesterday Goolarabooloo Senior Law Boss, Joseph Roe was prevented from traveling along Manari Road by police, as he attempted to go to the drill site.
Woodside are planning to extract 35 million litres of water from the Broome Aquifer over 7 days, for testing. The Broome community relies on this aquifer for their domestic and commercial water use.
Phillip Roe says “Woodside’s works are illegal, they have tried to compulsorily aquire this land because we did not give them permission, and we will keep challenging this destruction and Colin Barnett who wants to industrialise the Kimberley.”

The convoy was headed for the site of the proposed Browse LNG facility near James Price Point near Broome.
Phillip Roe Goolarabooloo Law Boss stated ” I will continue to fight for our country and culture, the WA Government can change laws to suit themselves, Woodside can fight us with their millions of dollars, but we wont give up.”

19th July – Bob Brown, retired Greens leader and anti-whaling group Sea Shepherd say they will join forces to highlight the potential damage to the Kimberly’s marine life posed by the Browse LNG project.
Mr Brown says the project will damage the biggest humpback whale nursery in the world. Figures provided by the State Government regarding whale activity in the area differ greatly from independent scientific studies.
AND an interesting article in the Global Mail written by Geoffrey Cousins, “The Kimberley : The right thing or ka-ching?”

Woodside plans to build a 6km long breakwater and will export the rock needed from existing infrastructure in the Pilbara. Analysis by economic analysts JP Morgan and Citigroup has shown that the main advantage of going to JPP versus existing facilities in the Pilbara is that gas processing could start 3 years quicker – but delays are already whittling away at this timeframe.
Woodside Chief Executive Peter Coleman reaffirmed that Woodside remained on track to make a final investment decision on Browse LNG project in the first half of 2013, stating that the Browse Project would have the capacity to produce 12 million tonnes of LNG each year which will be shipped directly to China and Japan but failed to state that under our current government when tax payers are being required to pay carbon tax, this gas hub will generate 39 million tonnes of greenhouse gases per year.
Public appeal on the EPA report is available for the next two weeks.

Last Man Standing!
Saturday 23rd June – Last Man Standing! Chairman, Paul Vogel, of the Environmental Protection Authority is to be the sole contributor to the EPA “Strategic Assessment”, due to be released next week, on the controversial proposed LNG Gas Processing Hub at James Price Point, after 4 out of the 5 members of the EPA have been suspended, over conflicts of interest.
The Wilderness Society’s, Peter Robertson says, “the situation had been kept secret by the Minister and Government who obviously did not want any more problems for the trouble plagued project. The public has been hoodwinked into thinking that a proper and rigorous environmental decision making process has been applied to the proposal, but in fact it has been left to just one person, the EPA Chair, to make the decision on whether or not to recommend approval. It just makes a mockery of the idea of having a board and EPA at all.”
In an earlier claim this month, Mr. Hunter, took the Shire of Broome and the Kimberley Joint Development Assessment Panel to court, claiming an important report was not considered by the Kimberley Joint Development Assessment Panel, prior to Woodside being granted approvals to work at the site in February.

He promised to speak personally with Woodside executives to convince them the errors of their ways and was hopeful that as members of the human race, they would feel deep in their hearts, the wrongness of their acts of destruction against community and the environment. He went on to say that he had felt the connection that he was honoured to have shared with the traditional owners of country and that all costs governments should be accountable in preserving these sites of ancient australian history.
Senator Rachel Siewert, also gave a passionate speech vowing to do all in her power to help protect the Kimberley, pointing out that the short term gains of exploiting natural resources could not justify the long term cost of damaging this unique area.
Simon Allen (dolphin researcher) from Murdoch University has said that biopsy samples and photographs have verified the importance of the discovery. The adult miniature dolphins measure only 1.5 metres.

Ali Batten
I am forced to take this stand as a way to oppose & draw national attention to the actions of Woodside & the WA government.
What they’re doing here in the Kimberley is unethical, unnecessary, & invasive in the extreme. Our community is distressed & already damaged by their presence, & campaigners have been traumatised & bullied. We have been shown no respect & have often been met with open contempt.
We are defending Country. It has been cared for & revered for tens of thousands of years. It holds ancestral sites & sites of cultural significance to local people, & is part of the Lurujarri songline. It is the habitat of endangered species of flora & fauna, & part of the last remaining wilderness areas on the planet.
In the 1950s I saw the dunes & coastal bushland of Nth NSW destroyed by a mining company. The minerals they extracted from this devastation were used in weaponry. Sixty years later I won’t remain passive & allow corporate interests to destroy the dunes & bushland of Walmadany, & turn it into a massive industrial site.
I’m 65 and I might have a few decades left – I’ll spend every day of that time defending the planet against political parties & corporations which have no respect for the beauty & fragility of our environment.
Julie Weguelin
I am 62yrs of age, a mother of 2, and a grandmother of 4.
I am a Broome resident with an association with Broome for over 25 years and a permanent resident for the past 10 years. I am a small business owner and a supporter of the Broome Community No Gas Campaign. There has been a great cost and loss to many but if we stand back and do nothing it will be a much greater loss. I am here as I believe this pristine area of the Kimberley is too precious to lose to Industrialisation.
Dinosaur track ways are proving to be unique in the world and should be preserved in their natural state for future generations. Song line and Indigenous heritage of the area has to be preserved. This unique area is host to many sea creatures .. turtles, whales etc which rely on this area for their breeding and feeding grounds.
Only 4% of the world today is pristine wilderness. If this project should go ahead, it will destroy even more of this last remaining pristine area for a short term gain by a few. This area has to be protected for everyone. As it is visited by peoples from all over the world for it’s uniqueness and easy access.
Broome will lose its amazing fresh water supply and have to rely on desalinated and recycled water due to the construction of the processing plant taking all the underground water supply. The construction will also create a 50km dead zone around the proposed port area.
Australia has the ability to be sustained by 100% renewable energy sources within the next ten years. All it takes is a commitment by the government.
The law is currently being broken by Drilling in the National Heritage listed inter-tidal zones.
14th May – POLICE OVER-KILL.. Today on Premier Colin Barnett’s orders approximately 80 police lined the Manari Road turnoff to James Price Point to escort Woodside’s convoy of equipment which included, a fuel tank, a crane, a transportable medical centre, a generator and a bobcat to ensure safe passage from a handful of broome no gas community protestors who stood shocked on the side of the road watching the farce. When I asked one such community member what they thought of the spectacle of such a massive deployment of police resources, his response was, “Hilarious, to see maybe a 100 police lining the road to protect a convoy of privately owned resource company equipment from maybe 15 community members and traditional owners, it’s an embarrassment to this country”.
In an interview with Pete Cooper from the Wilderness Society at the corner of the Cape Leveque and Manari Highway. “I am here with a smattering of the Broome Community but also with dozens and dozens of police officers. We are expecting a convoy of Woodside vehicles to come through shortly and the fact that there are so many police here, really shows that this project has no support in Broome. This project has no social license and Premier Barnett, Woodside and the Joint Venture Partners are forcing this project on Broome. There are other options, we are not saying that we should not take the gas out, we are just saying that we should not put this plant on James Price Point. This is a pristine area and there is no need for this development here and it is not wanted.”

Approximately 250 police armed with batons, tasers and handcuffs are expected to crush any opposition to the proposed gas hub. Breathalysers and license checks have been set up 30km out of Broome for what purpose? Why isn’t the breathalyser station set up in Broome instead of a remote bush road which just so happens to be the road that Woodside will be traveling down with their drilling rigs.
Ms Torres and Anne Poelina handed over a letter, outlining the group’s concerns, to Sgt Troy Kendall and invited the Broome Police to accept over $500 worth of flowers to give to their mothers but Police refused saying they were “too busy”. Undeterred community members one by one peacefully handed over their flowers to the sgt on duty.
11th May – Does Woodside need a 100 police to protect them from these people? Social Networks, Blogs and feeds have been buzzing with rumours of over a hundred police, being moved to Broome indefinitely to make sure that the Broome Community do not interfere with Woodside’s destruction of country. Wilderness Society Kimberley Campaign Manager, Glen Klatovsky, said it was a waste of police resources and taxpayer money to send police “to crush the Broome community”, which had already been traumatised by last year’s heavy-handed use of police and Woodside’s own private security force.
Many local protesters, including elderly indigenous people, were last year hauled away by police and locked up, Mr Klatovsky said.
Following Woodside’s announcement yesterday that they were resuming work on the gas hub, two drill rigs were moved from the Port at Broome to JPP, as part of its FEED (front-end engineering and design phase).
Former Broome Shire Councillor, Nik Wevers said, in the past few days, police vehicles had been “cruising up and down Manari Road” and checking people’s car registrations and issuing infringement stickers. Many residents have been complaining about being hassled by police on Manari Road in the past couple of days, with one resident stating that, “it felt like living in East Germany”.
Communication specialists in surveillance, Pacific Communications have fitted out the police with the latest in spyware and police cameras and communications have been established just up from Black Tank. Black Tank information bay has been told to move by the Shire by Wednesday. Community members have repeatedly reported non-compliance issues that Woodside have committed with construction of fences, and communication towers all without proper approval and yet a sign put up by the traditional owners is being reportedly pulled down for non-compliance.
Many residents of Broome are angered by what they see as an appalling waste of tax payers money when drunkeness, domestic violence, vandalism and disturbing the peace are committed in Broome on a daily basis and are not being attended to for lack of police resources. Residents of Broome see the actions of “protesters” as non-violent defenders of country battling against a dictatorship type government and multinational companies with the police force in their pockets.
Broome Sea Rescue and other emergency services, including a mustering helicopter, were called out to rescue the cattle some of which were swept 300m out to sea.
8th May – Whats with the cows? Tonight I was making my way down to Gantheaume Point and so were these cows. I am not sure whats going on with these cows but they were checking me out, waiting patiently for me to get out of their way. If you have seen cows around town lately, leave a comment.
5th May – Escapee Cows .. Hardly ground breaking news but an unusual sight never-the-less. Tonight at Port Beach, 3 cows were leisurely strolling along the waters edge, no doubt enjoying the beautiful sunset and the pearly blue waters but decided to make a run for the hills when a red kelpie rounded them up. My best guess is the cattle yards a good kilometre away, are missing 3 holiday mode cows.

12th April – Its official, the dry season has finally arrived! The non-sweating residents of Broome are all talking about the lovely crisp mornings and evenings as the weather finally catches up with the dragonfly’s who have been hanging around for weeks.

This study aligns with the study also conducted regarding humpback whale migrations where huge conflicts of data exist between State Government surveys and independent surveys by marine scientists.
These findings come hot on the heels of a new discovery of 20 million barrels of oil in wells on the Ungani oilfield near Broome by Buru Energy.

a) we don’t have the capacity to uphold an industrial zone which is proposed to be the largest industrial zone ever created in Australia;
b) we certainly don’t have the communication through the echelons of power to let them know that this community will not let this happen;
So whether they take that message back, and consider that we should lock up all of the Kimberley as the only place left that has any value for carbon credits, will remain to be seen.
Broome has been involved in other senate inquiries over the past 3 or 4 years. One was looking at climate change effect on coastal environments where the outcome was that within 20 years Broome will be two thirds under water. The second was the EPBC Act (The Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act) which clearly stated that you can’t drag a community through a strategic assessment process when the state government is the proponent. The Western Australian Government is the proponent for the proposed LNG Gas Hub Precinct at James Price Point and because of that every government department has been compromised.

It was also an opportunity for the No Gas Campaign to alert the rest of the world that the campaign continues and they are standing strong in the defense of the numerous sites already designated as heritage listed and many others that are part of the Lurujarri Song Cycle.
The wet season has given the campaigners and country rejuvenation and refreshment and now that it is Manggala Season, community representatives gathered together on this occasion to let everyone know that they are not giving up on country.
The continuing exploration of the dinosaur footprints has led to discoveries of new species and has uncovered the biggest known dinosaur in the world. The hard work of dedicated people over this time researching, planning for funding, infrastructure, surveys of whales, snub nosed dolphins and turtles, surveillance as well as engaging with local government is a sign of a dedicated community committed to standing up for what they believe in.

17th March 2012 – A Happy St Patricks Day to all.
Well Cyclone Lua gave Broome a bit of a whipping today, in that it’s reeeally rainy and quite a bit windy, as you can see here from some keen readers.
Severe Tropical Cyclone Lua has now crossed the east Pilbara coast just to the east of Pardoo Station and will move further inland and gradually weaken. I hope all our friends down the coast are coping. Pardoo Station was hit with Cyclone Kirsty nearly the same time in 1996 and Pardoo roadhouse was completely demolished, with the occupants having to take shelter in the cool-room. Qantas has cancelled all remaining flights to Port Hedland, Broome and Karratha for today.

“With the toxic spoils from the dredging, mixed with the biggest tides of the world, you do not have to be a rocket scientist to understand that the impacts on marine life will be despicable, recreational and commercial fishing will be obliterated, the tourism industry shattered, our national heritage listed sites devastated, community and lifestyles demolished and our dreamt future for our children and theirs crushed. The Broome Shire has the moral obligation and social responsibility to fund and instigate a fact finding mission to Gladstone with representatives from our local recreational clubs, non-government agencies, social services organisations, tourism representatives, environmental groups, fishing and sporting clubs and small business advocates. Their mission would be to simply investigate the facts on the impacts the LNG development has had on Gladstone’s community and social fabric, their local economic base and the environment and report their findings back to the Broome community in an open public forum.”

About 60 concerned Broome residents gathered at their local Shire to protest the approval by The Development Assessment Panel (DAP), nicknamed by the No Gas Community as the “Do As you Please”, who were meeting to decide whether or not to grant approval to six million dollars worth of work by Woodside, at James Price Point.
Despite the fact that this work was already done last year amid protests by community that approvals had not been granted, Woodside last week submitted a 150 page document to the shire, who refused to endorse the application at their meeting on the grounds there had been insufficient time for community consultation. Woodside then bypassed them to ensure compliance to the Development Assessment Panel.
Five community members were given five minutes each to oppose the application and cited concerns about Woodside’s record of compliance with Shire planning approvals and environmental management.
But in a foregone conclusion, the Kimberley Joint Development Assessment Panel voted to give Woodside conditional planning approval for retrospective and future works at James Price Point until December 2013.
In response, several community members threw copies of the 150 page application at the panel as others stormed out of council chambers en masse shouting “shame” and “corruption of process”.
Panel members said the company must prepare a comprehensive environmental management plan, approved by the Shire and Department of Environment and Conservation, before it can carry out any works.
It must also provide quarterly reports to the Shire on its compliance with planning approvals and environmental conditions which would have to be made public, in addition to submitting to the Shire’s own compliance investigations
After the meeting, Environs Kimberley spokesman Martin Pritchard was angry the Shire’s position on the matter had been completely ignored by the DAP.
“This shows how the Development Assessment Panels have been set up to override community and Shire Council decisions,” he said. “They are undemocratic and the decision makers, flown in from Perth, did not even visit the site of the proposed development.”
Mr Pritchard said he was seeking legal advice.
[…] Price’s Point gas hub…news update… Posted on July 31, 2011 by Tom Harley News .. anti gas hub protesters | Broome and the Kimberley […]
Thanks for sharing.I was searching for this.
A million thanks for posting this infomration.
Fantastic site. A lot of useful information here. I?m sending it to a few friends and also sharing in delicious. And obviously, thank you on your effort!
Great post. I have been checking continuously this blog and I’m inspired! Thank you and good luck 🙂
I hope all your effort to save James Price Point is realised.Well done
Thanks for such an informative post. This latest shemozzle with the approvals is just one more instance of our so called democractic government .. not. No wonder people have no trust in their politicians, it always seems to come down to the almighty $ at the cost of everything!